Clinic News


Victoria Construction Update

Some think of fall as a time for endings—the leaves are changing, and we’re buckling up for winter.  For many, though, fall is a time of revitalization.  University students flock to their new classes with the promise of new relationships, new knowledge, and expanded horizons.

Our clinic is in a similarly exciting stage of renewal.  Our Prior Lake office doubled in size this past summer, allowing for the addition of five new therapists.  In Victoria, we are nearing completion on an expansion to our flagship clinic.

The newly expanded clinic space in Victoria will open October 30th and will feature 4,600 square feet of space specifically designed to meet our therapy needs.  The clinic will house 9-12 clinicians, group psychotherapy space, and a unique therapist training space, making the clinic one of the largest such institutes in Carver County.

The new space will also allow for our administrative offices to be consolidated on-site, and we will have room for incoming Community Relations staff.  The space will be a hotbed of training for both internal staff and outside therapists looking to continue their professional training.  We also look forward to hosting community events focused in increasing awareness of mental health issues.

Please join us for an open house at our Victoria clinic from 5-6pm on 11/8/18.  We hope to see you there!

Chad Lorenz, Psy.D., LP, MA, LMFT, MBA

Chief Executive Officer